Life and occurences!!!

Life is a series of short stories,pretending to be a novel.

There is no paucity of humor in ones life, we just don't see it.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Flights OF Fantasy!!



As i sat back in the flight reviewing one of my research papers on "Blood flow through Cerebral Arteries", I could almost feel an abundance of Blood in my cerebral system. I had'nt slept for almost 48 hrs, it was beginning to take its toll on me. I thought I should probably catch a nap. I have been one of the elite few, who has had the pleasure of napping at a runway in an Airbus A 320 for over two hrs.The flight that taxied away from the gate, had to halt again at the runway for a repeated thunder shower warning at Chicago.
I have driven to Chicago twice before and never have I expressed as my awe, as I did towards the Wind City. But my perspective towards the city was entirely different on that particular occasion from the runway.
I figured , I had to reschedule on my connecting flight. I looked into my itinerary that read "contact us at 1800-UNITED-1". That number would actually turn out to be drastically different when dialed from a Black Berry Pearl. (Take a look at the Key pad). Well it turns out that the Wind City was not the only entity on my HATE list.Luckily my boarding pass carried an advertisement of a mobile network. I managed to decipher the number from a picture of a phone on the advertisement. That was the best the Airliner had to offer me that night. I called the reservation help line, I was pretty sure I was pretty sure I had called my Mother Land. My request for a reschedule was processed, I was put onto the next available flight from the Wind City, at 6.00 AM to San Jose, with a connection at LA. While I did all of this, I still was at the runway. I was still in Cleveland!


Nan said...

Waow!!..Your blog is a treat man..I am so looking forward to the rest of the story..

Arun said...


thank you..
That journey was quite an adventure...

yogi said...

Hey the title of ur blog had me in complete splits again! u can entice people to read ur blog jus by ur alluring title!!!! I guess it still continues to remain black-buried wid an immobile mouse!!!

Arun said...

@ Yogi

Totally, you have seen that piece of instrument ..

yogi said...

Hey, I have read all d reviews of all possible critics giving a thumbs up!!! to dark Knight! n guess what am still waiting for that blog! jus hoping dat u do write one b4 d next one in d Batman series hits d silverscreen!!!

Sandy said...

Really nice blog man :)

Here's a little tip if you get caught in the same situation again:

To type the words in Blackberry, try pressing the ALT or the right shift key and then the letter in combination to get the letter on the screen (for instance 1-877-BLKBERR). HTH :)